Witty opinions from a single mom raising a man instead of trying to snag one. Satire and opinion on every aspect of American Society. Celeb bashing when provoked. Parenting ADHD teens with newborns. Update: Snagged a man without trying. Go figure.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Britney Spears loses custody
I have to say from the day she got involved with Kevin Federline she started a downward spiral. He is a golddigger and grifter who planned this whole thing with Shar Jackson who was pregnant when he seduced Britney.
I feel sorry for her children who were mistakes. Now that they are here she needs to get her act together and be a mother before anything else. Kevin is not the better parent, he just successfully relieved her of millions of dollars. He's like a blackmailer who hit a goldmine by impregnating her.
I hope this is a wake up call for her to get clean and sober. She needs to leave CA and get well. I hope she doesn't harm herself because it would damage her kids even further. Having the father they do will only be a source of embarrassment.
You have to remember that Britney spent her entire life trying to be rich and famous. She needed a break and lowering herself to become entangled with Kevin was probably her first act of rebellion. How could her parents really prepare her for fame?
It's sad that she's the poster child for too much too fast. She's only 25 years old. She needs to learn independence. She's financially able.
Kevin would drop those kids like a hot potato if he didn't get any money to take care of them. He's a deadbeat dad who struck it rich. The dream of all deadbeat dads to find a woman to live off of and extort money from for the rest of his life.
He's just a leech and everyone around her is a leech. Too bad she didn't have the common sense to run the other way when she saw that reptile coming.
She should have stayed in Eric Clapton's rehab in Antigua instead of leaving after one day! Come on people, look at Judy Garland. You think Disney doesn't create drug addicts?
There is so much the public doesn't know or need to know about her life. I think the slams on her VMA performance are cruel. She had two babies back to back! She looks fantastic.
Obviously she's depressed and her life has been a train wreck since she met Kev. She also had post postpartum depression per Dr. Phil who apparently talked to her family or her.
Maybe this will be a wake up call for her and she will get her life together and rescue her kids from K-Fed.
Parenting is stressful and you must be sober to do so properly. I'm not making excuses for her.
I can't imagine being chased around by photographers every waking moment. I think she should have spared her kids from that circus.
I can understand her being upset with her people for getting her to go to rehab because that was an admission of addiction and cleared the path for Kevin to get her kids.
People w/o kids don't realize the laws give deadbeat dads rule over the mom's life until the kids are grown! Kevin has NO INCOME without Britney's Alimony and child support.
Has anyone checked where he's living? I'll bet a million dollars he's back living with Shar Jackson! I saw that washed up child actor because she's not a star by any means on tv last month talking about what a great Dad and person Federline happens to be!
Those kids are in for a life of misery.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Birth Order
You're a Middle child because of your social skills!
The Influence of Birth Order
Brought to you by Tickle
Monday, August 06, 2007
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Fw: Equal Pay? "No Way" says Supreme Court
From: "Kim Gandy, NOW President" <nowpresident@now.org>
To: Lisa Walker <chinadolll2@yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, June 1, 2007 9:01:39 PM
Subject: Equal Pay? "No Way" says Supreme Court
Dear Lisa, This week the Supreme Court ruled that paying women less is just fine, as long as you don't get caught for 180 days. Instead of encouraging employers to root out and correct pay discrimination, the Roberts Court in Ledbetter v. Goodyear laid out a game plan for any employer who wants to pay women less and get away with it. They basically said, "It's okay, boys. Just keep it quiet for 180 days and you're home free." NOW is acting on two fronts against this outrageous ruling and your gift today will allow us to act quickly and decisively to reverse it. First, we must organize women all across the country to demand that Congress pass, and the president sign, legislation that will repair this damage to our hard-fought pay discrimination laws. Second, we must press the media to cover this issue seriously, so that women (and the men who care about fairness) understand the very damaging consequences of this decision to every working woman, and they, too, will take action. Several of our friends in Congress, including Sen. Ted Kennedy and Rep. Carolyn Maloney, are committed to introducing new legislation which will make it perfectly clear that pay discrimination is wrong and there must be remedies for those who have been harmed -- and they need our help on the ground, to get co-sponsors and round up votes in 435 congressional districts. We must demand that this bill be so clear that no Justice can misunderstand -- or pretend to misunderstand. Remember that Chief Justice Roberts characterized the idea of equal pay for women as a "radical redistributive concept." Please act now and make a generous contribution to help us spread the word, and to press forward on corrective legislation. Thank you for standing with us to support equality and fair treatment for women everywhere. For equality, Kim Gandy | ||
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