Sunday, June 03, 2007

Fw: Equal Pay? "No Way" says Supreme Court

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "Kim Gandy, NOW President" <>
To: Lisa Walker <>
Sent: Friday, June 1, 2007 9:01:39 PM
Subject: Equal Pay? "No Way" says Supreme Court

National Organization for Women

support our work on pay equity

Dear Lisa,

This week the Supreme Court ruled that paying women less is just fine, as long as you don't get caught for 180 days. Instead of encouraging employers to root out and correct pay discrimination, the Roberts Court in Ledbetter v. Goodyear laid out a game plan for any employer who wants to pay women less and get away with it.

They basically said, "It's okay, boys. Just keep it quiet for 180 days and you're home free."

NOW is acting on two fronts against this outrageous ruling and your gift today will allow us to act quickly and decisively to reverse it.

First, we must organize women all across the country to demand that Congress pass, and the president sign, legislation that will repair this damage to our hard-fought pay discrimination laws. Second, we must press the media to cover this issue seriously, so that women (and the men who care about fairness) understand the very damaging consequences of this decision to every working woman, and they, too, will take action.

Several of our friends in Congress, including Sen. Ted Kennedy and Rep. Carolyn Maloney, are committed to introducing new legislation which will make it perfectly clear that pay discrimination is wrong and there must be remedies for those who have been harmed -- and they need our help on the ground, to get co-sponsors and round up votes in 435 congressional districts.

We must demand that this bill be so clear that no Justice can misunderstand -- or pretend to misunderstand. Remember that Chief Justice Roberts characterized the idea of equal pay for women as a "radical redistributive concept."

Please act now and make a generous contribution to help us spread the word, and to press forward on corrective legislation. Thank you for standing with us to support equality and fair treatment for women everywhere.

For equality,

Kim Gandy's signature

Kim Gandy
President, National Organization for Women

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