Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Pregnant @ 40!?!

I found out on 12/9/09 via 4 home pregnancy tests that I'm pregnant. I'm still in shock because I had a traumatic miscarriage last year on 12/5/08. My husband and I had been trying to have a baby for an entire year. I had given up hoping for another child and accepted the fact that we would never have a child together. In Vegas, while at the ER for a migraine, a med student suggested I take Tagamet to reduce my testosterone levels and maybe that would help me get pregnant. Probably the end of October or beginning of November 1 started taking Tagamet and less than a month later, I'm pregnant! It's nothing short of miraculous to me.

The weeks of waiting to find out if this pregnancy is viable will be agony. I'm happy but also in a daze. I don't want to get too attached in case I have another miscarriage. I'm eating right and resting since this is a high risk pregnancy. I never felt this good the last two times I was pregnant so I hope that's a good sign.

Normally I keep a journal but all my journals were stolen by my "family" so I feel the need to document electronically for my baby. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for the best.

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