Thursday, April 06, 2006

Amnesty for Illegals Again?

There are so many wonderful and horrible things going on the world now that it's difficult to pinpoint a starting point. I suppose that was the purpose for naming this particular blog, Calgon Moments. Because there are so many of them now.

My life is as busy and hectic as anyone else's. I know what's going on in the world is not reflected on TV in the news or represented in movies and television shows. The world can't handle the truth!

If I'm Not bitching, check my pulse! I can't believe I had to endure illegal aliens marching for their rights on TV. Come on, that was the perfect opportunity to deport them! I live in a border state so I'm constantly bombarded with Spanish speaking illegals trying to communicate with me in Spanish. The local school doesn't even print out forms or letters in English anymore. I have no problem with LEGAL IMMIGRANTS who come here and learn the language and assimilate into our society. When I walk out my front door and see an Illegal peddling his little sno-cone/taco stand down my street while he screams in Spanish, I get pissed. Then I flip over to the job section of the newspaper and see that now I can't get a job if I don't speak Spanish!

Before you go spouting off that we're all immigrants, save it. I'm of Native American Ancestry so you killed my ancestors and stole our country, NOT FROM MEXICANS BUT FROM NATIVE AMERICAN INDIANS.

Amnesty didn't work in 1986 and it's not going to work now. Between the corporate whoredom of our socalled representatives and the illegal aliens, American Citizens are screwed, blued and tattooed.

The law that allowed Illegal Alien children to get a FREE education should be repealed. The law that allows illegals to have a child here and stay here should be changed.

Check out how New Zealand and other countries have changed their citizenship status. In fact, check out how Mexico deals with Illegal Aliens. Talk about hypocrites!

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