Friday, August 07, 2009

The purpose of my blog

The purpose of my blog is to illuminate people about everything. I'm generally considered a culture maven in most circles be they large or small. I'm your go to gal in just about any area. I have a wide base of knowledge and Facebook classifies me as a Grammar Nazi!

I was a newspaper reporter in high school and college, a yearbook editor, a feature writer and a top reviewer on before it merged into and my witty reviews disappeared into cyberspace. I'm opinionated but I can back up my stance on an issue, product or business and hopefully spare someone else my agony in the process.

I'm on twitter, facebook, yelp, MySpace, yelp you name it, I'm on there bitching about something or someone who can and should do a better job. As you have surely guessed by now, I am a Type A personality but I have calmed considerably in the last few years.

I'm irked/peeved/pissed about bad drivers, corrupt city officials, dead beat dads and moms, baby mama drama, baby daddy drama, illiteracy, apathy, bad manners, poor taste, low morals and a list too long to mention. However, I can remark on these issues and many more with with, humor and style.

Join me on this ride to discuss the economy and all that it brings to the table. I may seem unfocused at times but that's just the ADHD keeping me moving on to the next big idea.

I hope you enjoy my observations and you are moved enough to comment. I'm trying to consolidate my old blogs here so please be patient.

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