Saturday, September 25, 2010

Mason finally gets a sibling!

Since my son could frame a complete sentence he has been asking for a sibling, mostly for a brother until in a state of frustration he even claimed a sister would be fine. I never thought I'd have another child for various reasons the main one being that I had not been in a relationship for years and had no desire to have one. For most of my life I've been accused of being, "Too damn independent." I thought my son was perfect and having another child would be a disappointment because it would be a lesser model. I could think up a million reasons not to have anymore kids and I did. I took it for granted that I could have a baby any time I wanted to and I had plenty of time. I wanted a girl but I didn't want the drama and I wanted a boy because they are easier by all accounts. I'm a type A personality, I wanted everything to be perfect before I had another child. We all know nothing is perfect and striving for perfection is exhausting!

Well, I couldn't and I didn't have a baby any time I wanted. Now I am what doctors call "Of Advanced Maternal Age" yet people mistake me for being 20 years younger on a daily basis. Where did the time go? I have so much to do and so much to see and learn. I read that people who have kids after age 40 live to be 100 more often than those who have kids in their 20's. Nearly everyone I know had kids by age 22 and has been married previous to that if they are still married. I've always been out of sync with my peer group. I'm a maverick.

Flash forward, these kids are rich in personality. The new one is feisty, she lets us know EXACTLY what she doesn't like. Mason was calm and quiet, she's a firecracker. From the moment she was born she was crying and waving her arms over her head and alert. Most newborns stare and drool. This baby was holding her head up in the hospital, trying to stand up when we held her and mimicking our words. Everyone was surprised but me. This child had nurses propping her up to sleep in the nursery. Even the doctor stopped during surgery to tell me she was a beautiful baby! This infant, this tiny person is already bending adults to her will and having a profound effect on everyone who comes within her realm. It's going to be a bumpy ride. My babies are beautiful AND smart.

Mason loves his sister and is a great big brother. I knew he would be. One day in the doctor's office he spent over an hour watching a newborn and Mother without peeling his eyes away once. He was fascinated and scared and excited all at once. He had a million questions. It was at that moment he realized it was for real. We all tried not to get too excited due to a previous miscarriage but we all wanted her to arrive happy and healthy. Now we all want her to stop crying and it's a team effort to soothe her majesty.

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      Boy tames goat!

        I love this picture of my son as a toddler petting this goat! I don't even think he was two years old yet. He could run and catch a chicken scooping it up with his bare hands as he ran by, speak in sentences with correct grammar and potty trained himself at 13 months old! His Montessori teacher bitched about it for a week then gave up and told me she had to potty train the entire class because all the other kids were following him to the bathroom! She was livid. I still think all those parents should pay me for early potty training. Can you think of a better gift for the parents of a toddler?

        At the time he was also telling me that, "The angels saved my life when I was born. They were at the hospital talking to me." Then he proceeded to tell me that I had been his mother many times and asked me if I remembered when we lived in New Orleans and had French doors in our house or when we lived at the beach. He told me he had been watching me my entire life waiting for me to be his Mom. He said he picked me to be his Mom over and over. He got extremely angry when I said I didn't remember being his Mom before and he talked about it constantly for months then poof, it was gone and he stopped mentioning it. I had it on video but my crazy sister stole it along with all my other worldly possessions and that has reserved a special place in hell for her. It wouldn't be much different than her life now as a 38 year old spinster living with her mother and 32 year old unemployed brother. I can't believe I'm really related to those people.

        Children are amazing and beautiful and I love them. Especially the ones I made.

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          Wednesday, September 22, 2010

          Newborn News

          Having this baby was much easier than having my son. I wish I had a C-Section with him from the same doctor that delivered his sister. Our lives would have been different and he would have had siblings (plural) sooner. Delivering my son caused me such trauma that I was celibant for five years! Fear of delivery was present the entire pregnancy as was fear of miscarriage. 

          Gestational Diabetes was horrible! I felt angry and sleepy all the time. Now I know what both sides of Diabetes feel like. When Diabetics act insane it's because they feel insane due to high blood sugar. I hope I never have to deal with it again. I understand my Father's moods better now and realize his fits were high blood sugar, however that doesn't change the pain he inflicted on us. I have others in my life who also have those types of  fits and say horrible things to loved ones that make us wonder if we are loved. 

          Adjusting to a newborn takes time. This baby is much more active and irritable than the first. She was holding up her head in the hospital. She looked alert from the first moments of her life. She's definitely going to be a little chatter box and a total busy body. She's beautiful and I love her. She's healthy and perfect. She's all that I hoped for and more. 

          I'm not just proud of her and saying she's beautiful. The doctor stopped in the middle of surgery to tell me, Mom, I don't usually say this but this is a really beautiful baby! All the nurses raved about her beauty and gave her special treatment in the nursery. They propped her up to sleep and the nurse told me she saved the best blankets for her. 

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