Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Newborn News

Having this baby was much easier than having my son. I wish I had a C-Section with him from the same doctor that delivered his sister. Our lives would have been different and he would have had siblings (plural) sooner. Delivering my son caused me such trauma that I was celibant for five years! Fear of delivery was present the entire pregnancy as was fear of miscarriage. 

Gestational Diabetes was horrible! I felt angry and sleepy all the time. Now I know what both sides of Diabetes feel like. When Diabetics act insane it's because they feel insane due to high blood sugar. I hope I never have to deal with it again. I understand my Father's moods better now and realize his fits were high blood sugar, however that doesn't change the pain he inflicted on us. I have others in my life who also have those types of  fits and say horrible things to loved ones that make us wonder if we are loved. 

Adjusting to a newborn takes time. This baby is much more active and irritable than the first. She was holding up her head in the hospital. She looked alert from the first moments of her life. She's definitely going to be a little chatter box and a total busy body. She's beautiful and I love her. She's healthy and perfect. She's all that I hoped for and more. 

I'm not just proud of her and saying she's beautiful. The doctor stopped in the middle of surgery to tell me, Mom, I don't usually say this but this is a really beautiful baby! All the nurses raved about her beauty and gave her special treatment in the nursery. They propped her up to sleep and the nurse told me she saved the best blankets for her. 

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