Sunday, April 30, 2006

The Hollisters

As the offical local music maven of Houston, Texas I can honestly report the few bands who are talented and have a shot at success on a national level. I'm not going to sugar coat it and lie about what a great scene we have here, that's what The Houston Press is for! I honestly believe their music guy gets groupie cast offs to report favorably on so many amateur bands. That must be it. I know many of them and they either shack up with girlfriends or live with their parents so they're not paying him in cash!

Any band with potential moves from Houston to Austin. Naturally, the Hollisters are now based in Austin.The best band from Houston is by far The Hollisters. I've been an avid fan since 1995. Mike Barfield has a distinctive voice that will haunt you. I've taken tons of people to see them. The standard question I ALWAYS hear after the show is, "Why aren't these guys famous yet?"

I would say more but you really have to experience this band live to understand their unique talents. If you make it out to the show, tell 'em Lisa sent you.

The original members are playing a show at the Continental Club on Main. Check out the schedule at:

Visit the Hollisters website: You can buy their CD's on the site as well. I can also inform you that Mike Barfield's Solo CD is a keeper.

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